Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If you could be a SUPERHERO, who would you be and why?


So, if I could be a superhero... hmm... let's see... Rather than merely looking at the outside of the SUPERHERO package: check out what they're made of.

Sure, there are the standard qualities-- brave, strong, and powerful, to name a few. Hint: those states of being are totally possible for any and everyone. What superheroes do you admire? What makes them special-- besides the whole interplanetary or super-rich and traumatized or bitten by a spider etc. You don't have to pull off superhero as some fantasy act-- maybe for Halloween? Nawh!

The very fact that you have logged onto this blog and read past the first sentence is superly heroic for me. So open a door for someone... Smile at a passer-by... Call someone you've been meaning to call for a while... Be a SUPER human!

*** Mastering the art of being superly human while saving the world in the process. MDB

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