Saturday, May 28, 2011


Everything in this razzle dazzle world of pop-culture and art boils down to one inescapable truth about humanity: we're in business to relate.  Relationships are the basis of everything worthwhile and economic and fulfilling and beneficial and blah di blah blah blah.  Sometimes we forget that we all come from the same place; we're so busy looking at how different we are.  Boy vs. Girl, Black vs. White, English vs. French: humans are not so very different after all.

I guess its more of a self-imposed limitation. When confronted with someone or something different, we become unsure and hence we like to distance ourselves rather than run the risk of losing something or being hurt or looking silly.  Human nature likes to make us feel proud of our individuality and our independence.  Have you ever stopped for a minute and looked at the world from the perpective of one who is, in fact, dependent on everybody else for their part in the plan?

I know that I wouldn't be here without all of you--- how many of you can say that much?  Sure, I know that many of the superficial, surface details of my life are there because I put them there but  I still wouldn't be here without all of you.  Thank you to all the people who've impacted my life.  Without the pioneers in Cancer Treatments and all the people who know how to help people with acquired learningdisabilities: I wouldn't be talking to you right now.  How quickly we can forget the amazing things that people do for us everyday when they grace us with their presence and share their lives with us.  Even at this point, although I might not be surrounded by all those that I hold dear: you guys have impacted my future; my memories of you will keep me warm.

It's a very humbling experience to be confronted with your own mortality more than once in three decades; you feel like a child and a senior in the same moment.  Everything is new and exciting but you are well aware of the fact that life doesn't last forever so you had better hurry up and make it matter.  That is my mission... I honestly have no idea how much time I have left, but it'll be enough; enough to make this world a better place by sharing my possibility with every lost cause I meet.  We have so much going for us, we really do.  Society's focus on all that is bad andwrong with the world and the fact that the cost of livingis increasing at an alarming rate could make anyone depressed.  What about the miracles?  Those diamonds in the rough who are making positive changes in the world around them.  Those are the superheroes: the people who remember that we're all related.  Like Mother Theresa or Gandhi, they are the ones to champion a cause by speaking to the people; unifying a community, they make this world a better place.  Let's face it.... We all come from the same place and we're all going tothe same place... and none of us have any real clue when that's going to be.  Live into forever. Walk with me.

*** Mastering the art of being superly human while saving the world inthe process. MDB.

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